Messier Catalog:Features, Location, Visibility, Night Mode, Favorites. And more!The Messier Catalog is a list of 110 astronomical objects compiled by
Messier Catalog:Features, Location, Visibility, Night Mode, Favorites. And more!
The Messier Catalog is a list of 110 astronomical objects compiled by French astronomer Charles Messier and originally published between 1774 and 1781. Its formal title is "Catalog of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars r, seen among the fixed stars on the horizon of Paris."
This application allows you to check the features, location and visibility of each of the objects in the catalog. It also contains real images, a search engine to make it easier and faster to the location of objects and night mode so you can use it on your observations. No need to be connected to the internet to use the application.
The application can be moved to SD card.
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